
A Movie Quotes: The Power of Carpe Diem

"But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe....... hear it? ....... Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary ." -John Keating, Dead Poets Society (1989) The first time I watched Dead Poets Society Movie was a long time ago. Maybe around, 2009? I was still in junior high school back then, but I still remember it vividly. It was shown in HBO Hits, and I just got home from school. Feeling so exhausted and got nothing to do, so I decided to hit the tv remote and search for the interesting shows. Until the Dead Poets Society title showed up, I decided to stop, and enjoy the movie. Gladly, the movie has just started. At that moment, maybe I'm not really understand the movie, all I know is just that I loved the Welton Academy boys, Mr. Keating's kindness, and felt so sad about *spoiler alert* Neil Perry's death. Over the years, when I had a chance to re-watch...

A Movie Review: Gundala, A New Hope

Bukan seperti film-film Marvel yang permasalahannya sudah setingkat seluruh alam semesta seperti invasi planet, serangan alien, kerusakan robot, atau genetika mutan. Gundala ini sangat dekat dengan masalah kehidupan sehari-hari kita di negeri ini. Masalah kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan yang disajikan dalam film ini membuka mata dan pikiran kita untuk melihat dari dua sisi, sisi rakyat dan sisi petinggi di negeri ini yang katanya wakil rakyat. Konflik yang ada lumayan menyindir fenomena yang harus diakui memang terjadi di negeri ini, yang tidak lepas dari hausnya kekuasaan dan keserakahan. Sebagai film superhero, film Gundala ini adalah permulaan yang baik karena menyuguhkan segi cerita yang mudah diterima semua kalangan. Karena termasuk film asli yang menceritakan asal mula Sancaka (diperankan oleh Abimana Aryasatya) seorang anak yang selalu takut setiap hujan datang karena tidak suka petir, tetapi menemukan jati diri petir dalam dirinya. Walaupun asal mula Sancaka mendapatkan kekuatan i...

Obsessive Coffee Disorder

The daily routine that mostly done by people around the world nowadays is drinking coffee. There really can't be any adult in this great big world that has never tried coffee. Even teenagers nowadays already addicted to coffee. It's consumed everywhere, and judging by the amount of coffee shop in every country, besides, homemade coffee could be an option, instant coffee has been produced to make coffee-drinker easier to consume a coffee. Coffee plays a large role in much of history because of the large effects that the coffee industry has had on cultures where it is produced or consumed. According to the article that I read in order to do the research for this post is that the earliest evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey and Northern Africa. Coffee then spread to the Balkans, Italy and to...

An #NCIS Quotes: Charade

Tony : "Feel like my life is a charade. ... You'd tell me, right, if I was losing my edge? The DiNozzo edge? 'Cause I feel like it. I mean, I get swindled by a bimbo. I got Laurel and Hardy impersonating me. What about the third guy? Is he a buffoon? Is that who I am?" McGee : "You haven't lost your edge . You momentarily misplaced it , okay? You're getting it back. Tony : "Did a lot of thinking in the big house. ... Time passed real slow. Honestly, sometimes, I feel like I don't know who I am . And it's strange, because she stole my identity, right? But I feel like I've already lost my identity. I mean, what is this? Seriously, is this some kind of weird metaphor for my current psychological state? " -NCIS Season 13 Episode 20: Charade Woah, it really hit me, so hard. Sometimes, I'm a total sucker when it comes to tv show, with a good quotes, especially when the one who said that quotes is my favourite c...

A Movie Review: Surga Kecil di Bondowoso (A Little Piece of Heaven in Bondowoso)

Hola, blog! Been a long time, always. So sorry that I'm not that active again in this blog. I still love to write though but why is it always ended up in draft and then I completely forgot about it.  But right now, I want to wrote a little review about a short film that I just watched.  A documentary film called "Surga Kecil di Bondowoso" by Nia Dinata. In the beginning of this film, there's a quote by Kamla Bahsin, said that "Masculinities is a social definition that’s given to men by society. Masculinity dictates how men act, dressed, and behave with certain qualities they should have.” After that quote, the film shows the beautiful view of Suramadu Bridge and narrated voice by Ustadz (Islamic Teacher or Cleric) Nur Salim. He said that he was born and raised in Madura. Based on his experience living in Madura, he said that most Maduranese men have no respect to women, and they have the bad character. Ustadz Nur Salim didn't feel comfortable about that, he d...

An #NCIS Quotes: Semper Fidelis

"But we're running out of time."  "I've seen bad turn to good plenty of times." said Gibbs, then he continue "You just can't lose faith, all right?" -Another memorable lines from my favorite tv crime drama ever.  On this episode, Gibbs taught me about a probability of bad things turn to good things. Even for the criminals, in this case, as bad as anything, they all have the opportunity to change, to be better of course. Even something as it is considered very bad and are less likely to be good. Everything's deserves to be better. Everyone does. Even sinner can change his way.  Have you ever in a situation that you just lose your faith? The situation when you think that every thing you do, every move you make, every step you take is a mistake.  If the answer is no, well, are you sure? Because even children maybe already feel this situation, in a small scale of course, let alone the teenagers or young adult, for exa...

An #NCIS Review: Truth or Consequences?

"Ziva's not replaceable."   he sighed. " The, um the one you lost. Then why aren't you looking for her?" "If I could drag her back, I'd do it in a heartbeat."  -Anthony Dinozzo Jr., unitentionally shouted out his feeling for her Howdy bloggy, 'sup? I realized that my writing productivity is gettin worse. I used to tell all my story in details over this blog, but now, I don't know why, I got lack of motivation in writing. I prefer watching some movies or tv series in my free time.  Actually, there's so many to tell when I watched a movie or two. As you know that when it comes to a movie, I made myself to really drifts into that story. Into that fantasy.  In fact, without realizing it, I really fell hard on that movie/series atmosphere. It costs me real feelings, even tears. Like, this most watched drama in the U.S for almost 13 years, NCIS. The picture and quotes above are from the Season 7 Premiere of ...

Cough Syrup

"Life's too short to even care at all."  -Young The Giant, Cough Syrup Howdy bloggy! Jam menunjukan pukul 12.14 sekarang di jam laptop gue. Sekarang gue, terpaku dihadapan laptop dalam keadaan belum mandi dan belum makan dari pagi, lagi nunggu masakan teman gue, si tsuraya, selesai nih, emang dasar gak berguna. Gue cuma bisa nyumbang doa aja semoga tsuraya masaknya enak wkwkwk, Tadinya sih buka laptop ini sambil ngerjain tugas dasbro dan ngedesain web buat Othello! ( bisnis baru, nanti deh gue post ceritanya kapan-kapan ), tapi udah bosen, tiba-tiba kangen blog ini dan pengen ngetik panjang aja, so I decided to open this blog!  First thing first, Gue setuju banget sama penggalan lirik diatas tuh, hidup itu terlalu singkat buat mempedulikan semuanya. Saking banyaknya hal-hal yang harus dipikirkan dan dilakukan dalam hidup kita, yang kita butuhkan adalah kemampuan untuk bisa memilah dan membuang mana sih yang harus kita pikirin lebih dahulu, mana sih yang harus ja...

The Word That Spelled in Nat King Cole's Song

The closest quotes that I agreed with about love is from the legendary comedy TV series since 2005-2014, the series that will forever in my heart and it sucks and hard to let go of this series, even after a year since the ending, I still can't get over it.  “If you’re looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want, no matter how much it destroys you, it’s love! And when you love someone, you just, you don’t stop, ever. Even when the people roll their eyes or call you crazy. Even then. You just, you don’t give up! Because if I could give up, If I could just, you know, take the whole world’s advice and move on and find someone else, that wouldn’t be love. That would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for.” -Ted Mosby. How I Met Your Mother S09E17.

The Pit Guy

Well folks, today I re-watched  How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 11/12 “The Final Page”   which is one of my favourite episode in Season 8. Not only because Robin and Barney were engaged in this episode, but there’s a good moral   value, yeah, Pit Guy .  The main point of this episode revolves around the fact that Ted’s new skyscraper is opening. He reminisces on his first, more influential architecture teacher. Apparently this guy was like that coach who tells the future football player that they’re never going to make it in the team. Ted sending his teacher an invitation to the opening of his building. Marshall points out that Ted has been obsessing over this teacher for a long time, and Lily explains that the professor is Ted’s “ pit guy .”  Apparently a pit guy is someone that one hates so much that they’re willing to toss them into a pit in the basement, like the movie,  Silence of the Lambs . Robin says that she doesn’t have ...