A Movie Quotes: The Power of Carpe Diem

"But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe....... hear it? ....... Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary."

-John Keating, Dead Poets Society (1989)

The first time I watched Dead Poets Society Movie was a long time ago. Maybe around, 2009? I was still in junior high school back then, but I still remember it vividly. It was shown in HBO Hits, and I just got home from school. Feeling so exhausted and got nothing to do, so I decided to hit the tv remote and search for the interesting shows. Until the Dead Poets Society title showed up, I decided to stop, and enjoy the movie. Gladly, the movie has just started. At that moment, maybe I'm not really understand the movie, all I know is just that I loved the Welton Academy boys, Mr. Keating's kindness, and felt so sad about *spoiler alert* Neil Perry's death. Over the years, when I had a chance to re-watch this movie, I slowly understand the deepest meaning of this movie, and feel more sad. Now, Dead Poets Society is one of the movies included in my list of movies that must be watched again.


The latin phrase suddenly haunt the minds of some students at Welton Academy, a college dorm for boys. They are basically a boy with a pressure and demand from their parents. Some of them enter the dormitory because of the command from their parents, and most of them are required to study well, and their lives are filled with discipline in attitude, in deciding something even their own future, within the existing rules of their parents and their school.

But it does not last forever.

Mr. Keating changed everything.

Mr. Keating is the man of honor in this film. He is the unusual teacher who's really understood what the student needs. Give them motivation, not demand or restraint. Also the freedom of speak and act. He treats his students well, unlike the dormitory prisoners who should always follow the strict rules. A different way of teaching, which is fun and liberating his students.

Although many, such as his own colleagues who do not like the way he teaching, which is considered rebellious, he remains firm in his principles.

They became a man with a visions. With a dream to pursue. They had their own mind, knows what they are going to do, what they enjoy and eager to seize it. They know that they are not robots.

Yes, at the end of the movie, it will blown your heart and mind.

Hopefully, the beauty of dreams and life in this movie, give us the lesson that others can express their opinions even directed us to do something, but in the end, only we who know, who we really are.


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