An #NCIS Review: Truth or Consequences?

"Ziva's not replaceable." he sighed.

The, um the one you lost.
Then why aren't you looking for her?"

"If I could drag her back, I'd do it in a heartbeat." 

-Anthony Dinozzo Jr., unitentionally shouted out his feeling for her

Howdy bloggy, 'sup? I realized that my writing productivity is gettin worse. I used to tell all my story in details over this blog, but now, I don't know why, I got lack of motivation in writing. I prefer watching some movies or tv series in my free time. 

Actually, there's so many to tell when I watched a movie or two. As you know that when it comes to a movie, I made myself to really drifts into that story. Into that fantasy. 

In fact, without realizing it, I really fell hard on that movie/series atmosphere. It costs me real feelings, even tears.

Like, this most watched drama in the U.S for almost 13 years, NCIS. The picture and quotes above are from the Season 7 Premiere of NCIS, first episode to be exact. The title is Truth or Consequences.

This episode is likely about how we tell the truths and how we get the consequences from the truths that been told, or we're looking for.

The main point of this episode is, when one of the special agent, Tony, decided to go for a miles to seek for revenge, dedicated to his partners that rumored dead, Ziva. 

In the story, when Ziva's leaving NCIS for a while, she is reportedly disappeared while on duty. The NCIS Team then keep looking for information about what actually happened to Ziva, until they got the unexpected result, that is, Ziva's dead in a shipwreck. 

The truth is seems obvious, but, Tony chose not to believe that truth, because he knows that if he believe that, the consequence is he never know what's really going on. 
Once again, he chose to follow his heart and faith. 

Together with a help from his partner, McGee, Tony then against all odds in a mission to seek the truth.

Miracle do happens. 

Turns out, Ziva's alive. Sitting in front of him, breathing. 

The lesson is, if you're seeking the truth, keep seeking.

Learn from Tony, he still seeking for truth, even though the lies that have been told is greatly convincing, he still wants to take another consequences, hope for the miracle in order to do revenge to the person who's responsible for Ziva's death. He knows that Ziva may not come back, to their NCIS, to him, even to the world. But, the least he can do is honoring her, keep fighting for her justice. 

And his true feeling for her. 

We'll never know the real consequences, how it's good or bad, if we refused to know the real truth. 

"Then, why are you here?"

"Couldn't live without you, I guess."

-Ziva to Tony


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