All About Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Heyyaa blog! Whats up? Udah lama nih ga posting blog, maklum sibuk *halaah sibuk napas,makan,tidur,nonton tv,main dll Cosar: woyy kapan belajarnya woyy?? Yaaa pokoknya kelas 9 ini sibuklah! Banyak tugas, PR dan les, udah lah lupain
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Semua pasti tau harry potter kan? Yang gatau wah tinggal di gua mana sih? Hahaha peace :p tapi emang bener semua orang tau harry potter, yaa ga semua sih tapi seluruh dunia juga tau kok! Film Harry Potter udah sampai seri ke 6 Harry potter and the half-blood prince dan sekarang udah muncul tuh trailer harry potter ke 7! Harry potter and the deathly hallows, bagian terakhir dari film harry potter ini akan rilis pada bulan november 2010 part 1 nya, iya dibagi 2 part, dan part 2 nya akan keluar pada tahun 2011.
Sebelum filmnya keluar gua iseng2 buka ini nih dan disana dibahas tuntassss soal film sama all character harry potter, dan tokoh2 baru yang menarik perhatian gue di deathly hallows they are!

Albus: "I won't! I won't be in Slytherin!"
Ginny: "James, give it a rest!"
James: "I only said he might be. There's nothing wrong with that."
— Albus worrying about his Sorting because of James' teasing
Born c. 2002 – 2005[1]
Blood status Half-blood[2]
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair colour Brown
Eye colour Brown
Skin colour Light
James Sirius Potter was the oldest child of Harry and Ginny Potter. His godparents, as well as uncle and aunt, are Ron and Hermione Weasley. He has two younger siblings: Albus and Lily. James was named after his paternal grandfather, James Potter, and his father's godfather, Sirius Black. James was seen going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on September 1st, 2017 with his brother Albus, who was just starting his first year. James, being the oldest child, had already been attending Hogwarts, but it is not specified specifically what year he was entering. Contemporaries at school include his cousins Victoire and Rose, as well as Draco Malfoy's son Scorpius, though they are in different years. James is much like his uncle, Ron, for his poor timing and knack for interfering with other people's love lives. He also seems to have inherited his sense of humour and love for mischief from his two uncles, Fred and George, and having a fondness for teasing his siblings and making mischief. He is also very much like his two namesakes, James Potter and Sirius Black, in his mischievous and trouble-making nature.
Kalau kata gue si james ini ganteng juga, dia asramanya gryfindor dan dia juga agak bandel,sering meledek adiknya, albus, sering jahil dan aktif. Dia anak baptis dari om dan tantenya, Ron dan Hermione, namanya diambil dari nama kakeknya, james potter dan sirius black.

"Albus Severus, you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew." Harry says.
—Harry Potter to his son on his fears of being sorted into Slytherin
Born Between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006
Blood status Half-blood
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair colour Black
Eye colour Green
Skin colour Light
Albus Severus "Al" Potter (between September 1, 2005 and August 31, 2006) was a half-blood wizard and the second son of Harry and Ginny Potter (née Weasley). Albus is the middle of three children, born at least a year after his older brother, James, and two years before his younger sister Lily. He was named in honour of Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. On September 1, 2017, Albus left for his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with his cousin, Rose Weasley, as well as Scorpius Malfoy. Before boarding the Hogwarts Express, Albus confided to his parents that he feared he might be sorted into Slytherin. In response, his father told him that the bravest man he ever knew — Severus Snape, whom Albus was named after — had been a Slytherin. Harry also assured his son that, if he was sorted into Slytherin, then the house would have gained a good student and that he and Ginny would think no less of him for it. Harry also told Albus that if he preferred Gryffindor, then the Sorting Hat would take this choice into consideration, as it had in his case (something Harry never told any of his other children). At this, Albus' face was described as being in 'wonder.'
Naaaaahh Gimana? Ganteng bangett kann? Dia ini anak keduanya harry sama ginny yang baru mau masuk hogwarts, dia pendiam dibanding kakaknya yang aktif, dia juga takut kalau-kalau dia masuk asrama slytherin, namanya diambil dari nama albus dumbledore dan severus snape. Dia masuk hogwarts bareng sepupunya, rose, anak dari ron dan hermione.

Harry Potter: "It won't be long, and you'll be going too."
Lily Potter: "Two years. I want to go now!"
— Harry Potter and Lily Potter on her impatience and sadness about not going to Hogwarts on September 1st, 2017
Born Between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008
Blood status Half-blood
Gender Female
Hair colour Red
Lily Luna Potter(born between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008) was the only daughter and the youngest child of Harry and Ginny Potter (née Weasley). She had two older brothers; James Sirius and Albus Severus. She was named for her paternal grandmother and also her parents' good friend, Luna Lovegood. Lily Luna Potter was born to Harry and Ginny Potter as their youngest child and only daughter. She has two older brothers: James Sirius and Albus Severus Potter. Lily is two or three years younger than James, who is at least a year older than Albus. In 2017, she went to see her brothers and her cousin, Rose Weasley, off at the Hogwarts Express, but was not herself old enough to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She also acted as her mother Ginny Weasley had acted when Harry and Ron went to their first year of Hogwarts. She and her cousin, Hugo Weasley, are around the same age, as Hugo is also not leaving on the train to school.
Ini diaaaa anak perempuannya harry sama ginny, lily potter! Hmmm...Mirip banget sama ginny ya? fotonya kurang jelas sih, lanjutlah. Dia itu sebenernya pengen banget bareng kakak2 laki2nya untuk sekolah di hogwarts tapi sayang karena umurnya masih belum mencukupi, jadi dia harus nunggu 2 tahun lagi. Namanya diambil dari nama neneknya dan luna lovegood, teman baiknya harry dan ginny.

"If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you. But no pressure."
—Ron Weasley jokingly warning Rose about house choices
Ron: "So that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains."
Hermione: "Ron, for heaven's sake. Don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school!"
— Rose's parents before her first year at Hogwarts
Born c. 2006
Blood status Half-blood
Also known as Rosie
Species Human
Gender Female
Rose "Rosie" Weasley (born c. 2006) was a half-blood witch and the daughter of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. She had a younger brother named Hugo who was born about two years after her. She began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2017, the same time as Scorpius Malfoy, and, being a Weasley, may have been Sorted into Gryffindor. Rose seems to have a strong relationship with her father, Ron Weasley, as they were joking about the Hogwarts sorting. Rose is also close to her mother, Hermione Granger, as they have many of the same qualities, such as intelligence. She's also close to her cousin Albus as she beamed at him. Rose is assumed to have a good relationship with her brother and cousins. Rose is said to have inherited her mother's intelligence. It is also noted that she put on her robes before needed, like her mother did at her age.
Nahh kalo ini anak pertamanya ron sama hermione, rose weasley! Dia mirip sama hermione dan juga punya kepandaian yang sama kayak ibunya. Dia akrab dengan sepupunya, albus dan juga bersaing kepintaran dengan scorpius malfoy, anak laki2 dari draco malfoy. Fotonya kurang jelas keliatan mukanya rose, abisan dari samping gitu, hahaha...

Born 2007 or 2008
Blood status Half-blood
Species Human
Gender Male
Hugo Weasley (c. 2007) was a half-blood wizard and the youngest child of Ronald and Hermione Weasley. He had an older sister named Rose and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, possibly with his cousin, Lily Potter. As a Weasley, it is likely Hugo was Sorted into Gryffindor, but this is unknown. Hugo Weasley was born in late 2007 or early 2008 to a pure-blood father and a Muggle-born mother. He is about two years younger than his sister Rose, and around the same age as his cousin Lily Potter, daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter, and the two seem to be quite close. In 2017, he accompanied his parents to see off his sister and Potter cousins to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hugo and Lily shared an eagerness to go to Hogwarts, despite both of them being too young. The two had "an animated discussion about which House they would be sorted into when they finally went to Hogwarts" at King's Cross Station. It is possible that Ron and Hermione wanted their children to have the same first initials as they have, R and H
Yep, ini anak keduanya ron sama hermione, laki2 namanya hugo, diambil dari nama novelis perancis terkenal victor hugo. Selain itu juga karena ron sama hermione mau kalau 2 anak mereka namanya berinisial sama kayak mereka, R dan H. Hugo ini usianya sama kayak sepupunya, lily potter dan akrab dengannya. Mereka sama-sama belum bisa masuk ke hogwarts. Dia lebih mirip dengan ron.
NAAAAAAAHHH! Thats all! Anak-anaknya lucu2 kan? Yah walaupun fotonya emang ada yg kurang jelas, nanti cari2 lagi deh semoga dapet foto2 lengkapnya. huaaahh cant wait for november 2010! Walaupun itu baru part 1 nya tapi tetep aja ga sabarrrr. Hufttt.....november...masih lama ya? sedih deh :P
And last but not least the best quote and dialogue...
"She's like my sister. I love her like a sister, and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It’s always been like that."
—Harry talking to Ron Weasley about his relationship with Hermione Granger in 1997
Ginny: "I’d like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you meet some veela when you’re off doing whatever you’re doing."
Harry: "I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest."
Ginny: "There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for."
— Ginny kisses Harry on his seventeenth birthday.
Harry: "You're the weak one... and you'll never know love, or, friendship. And... I feel - sorry for you."
Voldemort: "You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything."
— Harry Potter and Voldemort, about the meaning of being weak, in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.
Ron: "What are you doing? Are you staying, or what?"
Hermione: "I... Yes - yes, I'm staying. Ron, we said we'd go with Harry, we said we'd help -"
Ron: "I get it. You choose him."
Hermione: "Ron, no - please - come back, come back!"
— Ron after an argument with Harry and Hermione.
"Hmm. Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes - and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?"
—Sorting Hat to Harry Potter
Oh iya ada extra bonus picture about harry potter and the deathly hallows, here they are.....

More info about harry potter open this link
Langsung aja ke topik kita ya....
Semua pasti tau harry potter kan? Yang gatau wah tinggal di gua mana sih? Hahaha peace :p tapi emang bener semua orang tau harry potter, yaa ga semua sih tapi seluruh dunia juga tau kok! Film Harry Potter udah sampai seri ke 6 Harry potter and the half-blood prince dan sekarang udah muncul tuh trailer harry potter ke 7! Harry potter and the deathly hallows, bagian terakhir dari film harry potter ini akan rilis pada bulan november 2010 part 1 nya, iya dibagi 2 part, dan part 2 nya akan keluar pada tahun 2011.
Sebelum filmnya keluar gua iseng2 buka ini nih dan disana dibahas tuntassss soal film sama all character harry potter, dan tokoh2 baru yang menarik perhatian gue di deathly hallows they are!

Albus: "I won't! I won't be in Slytherin!"
Ginny: "James, give it a rest!"
James: "I only said he might be. There's nothing wrong with that."
— Albus worrying about his Sorting because of James' teasing
Born c. 2002 – 2005[1]
Blood status Half-blood[2]
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair colour Brown
Eye colour Brown
Skin colour Light
James Sirius Potter was the oldest child of Harry and Ginny Potter. His godparents, as well as uncle and aunt, are Ron and Hermione Weasley. He has two younger siblings: Albus and Lily. James was named after his paternal grandfather, James Potter, and his father's godfather, Sirius Black. James was seen going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on September 1st, 2017 with his brother Albus, who was just starting his first year. James, being the oldest child, had already been attending Hogwarts, but it is not specified specifically what year he was entering. Contemporaries at school include his cousins Victoire and Rose, as well as Draco Malfoy's son Scorpius, though they are in different years. James is much like his uncle, Ron, for his poor timing and knack for interfering with other people's love lives. He also seems to have inherited his sense of humour and love for mischief from his two uncles, Fred and George, and having a fondness for teasing his siblings and making mischief. He is also very much like his two namesakes, James Potter and Sirius Black, in his mischievous and trouble-making nature.
Kalau kata gue si james ini ganteng juga, dia asramanya gryfindor dan dia juga agak bandel,sering meledek adiknya, albus, sering jahil dan aktif. Dia anak baptis dari om dan tantenya, Ron dan Hermione, namanya diambil dari nama kakeknya, james potter dan sirius black.

"Albus Severus, you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew." Harry says.
—Harry Potter to his son on his fears of being sorted into Slytherin
Born Between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006
Blood status Half-blood
Species Human
Gender Male
Hair colour Black
Eye colour Green
Skin colour Light
Albus Severus "Al" Potter (between September 1, 2005 and August 31, 2006) was a half-blood wizard and the second son of Harry and Ginny Potter (née Weasley). Albus is the middle of three children, born at least a year after his older brother, James, and two years before his younger sister Lily. He was named in honour of Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. On September 1, 2017, Albus left for his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with his cousin, Rose Weasley, as well as Scorpius Malfoy. Before boarding the Hogwarts Express, Albus confided to his parents that he feared he might be sorted into Slytherin. In response, his father told him that the bravest man he ever knew — Severus Snape, whom Albus was named after — had been a Slytherin. Harry also assured his son that, if he was sorted into Slytherin, then the house would have gained a good student and that he and Ginny would think no less of him for it. Harry also told Albus that if he preferred Gryffindor, then the Sorting Hat would take this choice into consideration, as it had in his case (something Harry never told any of his other children). At this, Albus' face was described as being in 'wonder.'
Naaaaahh Gimana? Ganteng bangett kann? Dia ini anak keduanya harry sama ginny yang baru mau masuk hogwarts, dia pendiam dibanding kakaknya yang aktif, dia juga takut kalau-kalau dia masuk asrama slytherin, namanya diambil dari nama albus dumbledore dan severus snape. Dia masuk hogwarts bareng sepupunya, rose, anak dari ron dan hermione.

Harry Potter: "It won't be long, and you'll be going too."
Lily Potter: "Two years. I want to go now!"
— Harry Potter and Lily Potter on her impatience and sadness about not going to Hogwarts on September 1st, 2017
Born Between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008
Blood status Half-blood
Gender Female
Hair colour Red
Lily Luna Potter(born between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008) was the only daughter and the youngest child of Harry and Ginny Potter (née Weasley). She had two older brothers; James Sirius and Albus Severus. She was named for her paternal grandmother and also her parents' good friend, Luna Lovegood. Lily Luna Potter was born to Harry and Ginny Potter as their youngest child and only daughter. She has two older brothers: James Sirius and Albus Severus Potter. Lily is two or three years younger than James, who is at least a year older than Albus. In 2017, she went to see her brothers and her cousin, Rose Weasley, off at the Hogwarts Express, but was not herself old enough to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She also acted as her mother Ginny Weasley had acted when Harry and Ron went to their first year of Hogwarts. She and her cousin, Hugo Weasley, are around the same age, as Hugo is also not leaving on the train to school.
Ini diaaaa anak perempuannya harry sama ginny, lily potter! Hmmm...Mirip banget sama ginny ya? fotonya kurang jelas sih, lanjutlah. Dia itu sebenernya pengen banget bareng kakak2 laki2nya untuk sekolah di hogwarts tapi sayang karena umurnya masih belum mencukupi, jadi dia harus nunggu 2 tahun lagi. Namanya diambil dari nama neneknya dan luna lovegood, teman baiknya harry dan ginny.

"If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you. But no pressure."
—Ron Weasley jokingly warning Rose about house choices
Ron: "So that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains."
Hermione: "Ron, for heaven's sake. Don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school!"
— Rose's parents before her first year at Hogwarts
Born c. 2006
Blood status Half-blood
Also known as Rosie
Species Human
Gender Female
Rose "Rosie" Weasley (born c. 2006) was a half-blood witch and the daughter of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. She had a younger brother named Hugo who was born about two years after her. She began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2017, the same time as Scorpius Malfoy, and, being a Weasley, may have been Sorted into Gryffindor. Rose seems to have a strong relationship with her father, Ron Weasley, as they were joking about the Hogwarts sorting. Rose is also close to her mother, Hermione Granger, as they have many of the same qualities, such as intelligence. She's also close to her cousin Albus as she beamed at him. Rose is assumed to have a good relationship with her brother and cousins. Rose is said to have inherited her mother's intelligence. It is also noted that she put on her robes before needed, like her mother did at her age.
Nahh kalo ini anak pertamanya ron sama hermione, rose weasley! Dia mirip sama hermione dan juga punya kepandaian yang sama kayak ibunya. Dia akrab dengan sepupunya, albus dan juga bersaing kepintaran dengan scorpius malfoy, anak laki2 dari draco malfoy. Fotonya kurang jelas keliatan mukanya rose, abisan dari samping gitu, hahaha...

Born 2007 or 2008
Blood status Half-blood
Species Human
Gender Male
Hugo Weasley (c. 2007) was a half-blood wizard and the youngest child of Ronald and Hermione Weasley. He had an older sister named Rose and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, possibly with his cousin, Lily Potter. As a Weasley, it is likely Hugo was Sorted into Gryffindor, but this is unknown. Hugo Weasley was born in late 2007 or early 2008 to a pure-blood father and a Muggle-born mother. He is about two years younger than his sister Rose, and around the same age as his cousin Lily Potter, daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter, and the two seem to be quite close. In 2017, he accompanied his parents to see off his sister and Potter cousins to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hugo and Lily shared an eagerness to go to Hogwarts, despite both of them being too young. The two had "an animated discussion about which House they would be sorted into when they finally went to Hogwarts" at King's Cross Station. It is possible that Ron and Hermione wanted their children to have the same first initials as they have, R and H
Yep, ini anak keduanya ron sama hermione, laki2 namanya hugo, diambil dari nama novelis perancis terkenal victor hugo. Selain itu juga karena ron sama hermione mau kalau 2 anak mereka namanya berinisial sama kayak mereka, R dan H. Hugo ini usianya sama kayak sepupunya, lily potter dan akrab dengannya. Mereka sama-sama belum bisa masuk ke hogwarts. Dia lebih mirip dengan ron.
NAAAAAAAHHH! Thats all! Anak-anaknya lucu2 kan? Yah walaupun fotonya emang ada yg kurang jelas, nanti cari2 lagi deh semoga dapet foto2 lengkapnya. huaaahh cant wait for november 2010! Walaupun itu baru part 1 nya tapi tetep aja ga sabarrrr. Hufttt.....november...masih lama ya? sedih deh :P
And last but not least the best quote and dialogue...
"She's like my sister. I love her like a sister, and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It’s always been like that."
—Harry talking to Ron Weasley about his relationship with Hermione Granger in 1997
Ginny: "I’d like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you meet some veela when you’re off doing whatever you’re doing."
Harry: "I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest."
Ginny: "There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for."
— Ginny kisses Harry on his seventeenth birthday.
Harry: "You're the weak one... and you'll never know love, or, friendship. And... I feel - sorry for you."
Voldemort: "You're a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything."
— Harry Potter and Voldemort, about the meaning of being weak, in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.
Ron: "What are you doing? Are you staying, or what?"
Hermione: "I... Yes - yes, I'm staying. Ron, we said we'd go with Harry, we said we'd help -"
Ron: "I get it. You choose him."
Hermione: "Ron, no - please - come back, come back!"
— Ron after an argument with Harry and Hermione.
"Hmm. Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes - and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?"
—Sorting Hat to Harry Potter
Oh iya ada extra bonus picture about harry potter and the deathly hallows, here they are.....

More info about harry potter open this link
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