The Pit Guy

Well folks, today I re-watched How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 11/12 “The Final Page” which is one of my favourite episode in Season 8. Not only because Robin and Barney were engaged in this episode, but there’s a good moral value, yeah, Pit Guy . The main point of this episode revolves around the fact that Ted’s new skyscraper is opening. He reminisces on his first, more influential architecture teacher. Apparently this guy was like that coach who tells the future football player that they’re never going to make it in the team. Ted sending his teacher an invitation to the opening of his building. Marshall points out that Ted has been obsessing over this teacher for a long time, and Lily explains that the professor is Ted’s “ pit guy .” Apparently a pit guy is someone that one hates so much that they’re willing to toss them into a pit in the basement, like the movie, Silence of the Lambs . Robin says that she doesn’t have ...