"Time flies whether you're having fun or not, the choice is yours" ........... HELLLOOOOO FOOOO.... UHUK UHUK!! Dusts everywhere. Maklum blog lama dibuka. Uh, Hold on.. #pasangmasker #pakaisarungtangan #ambilsapu #ambilkemoceng HEEEEEELLLLL.. -wait for it- ..LLLOOOOOO FOOLKSSS! LONG TIME NO SEE! Huah, tiga tahun men... tiga.. TIGA TAHUN! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? aall myy liifee~ #nowplaying #rihannanyanyi eh sst huss huss maaf rih, pergi dulu sana gue mau nge blog nih First of all, I would like to say HELLO AGAIN BLOG! Its been a really, really, looongg time noo see ya. I miss ya so bad. 3 years of Hiatus, wow.. what the heck, it feels like time warping. Terakhir kali gue menjejakan post di blog ini.. 2011, dan sekarang udah 2014. Its crazy how time moves so so so so so fast. Also, everything has changed. Biar lebih enak ceritanya, kayaknya lebih asik kalau dibuat Q&A biar kayak artis gitu Well, let's begin! Q : Kemane aje lo?! tiga taon...