Welcome to FIFA WORLD CUP 2010!!!!
*opening song* Oooooo....oooooo.....ooooooo Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher see the champions, take the field now, you define us make us feel proud, in the street are exaliftin, every loser in ambition, celebration is around us, every nation all around us Heeeeeeellooo bloggers! Whats up? ketemu lagi sama gue adyza aulia diwani di postingan sehabis ulangan! Hahaha sengaja gue gak bikin postingan tentang uas, males mengingatnya hehehe, oh well mendingan sekarang kita ngebahas Hot topics aja! Yaitu........ *middle song* Singin forever young, singin song underneath the sun Let's rejoice in the beautiful game And together at the end of the day We all say!!! FIFA WORLD CUP 2010!! Yup, opening ceremony fifa world cup itu hari ini, 11 Juni 2010 bertepatan setelah selesai UAS, wahh asik bener deh hari ini, abis selesai UAS langsung nonton Fifa world cup. Piala Dunia dalam hitungan kurang dari 24 jam ke depan akan berlangsung. Orang-orang pasti bakalan tongkron...